Are you sick of hearing negativity from morning until night? Want to make a difference?
Gandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” In less profound terms, we can only control three things: Our thoughts, words, and actions. So why not start there?
Our Lifeonomics team is launching a free life coaching program called “Mind, Body & Spirit.” We will post a three-to-five-minute video each week to give you all the tools necessary to make positive changes in your life and the lives of others while having a little fun along the way.
Each video has a lesson and a challenge designed to get you thinking about your life, purpose, and finding balance in this chaotic world. It will give you all the tools necessary to make positive changes in your life.
Be our guest and take the weekly challenge. Each week powerfully builds on the previous week. Start with week one, and don’t skip around until you’ve completed the prior week's challenge. We’ll bet you’ll be very surprised by the changes you see in your mind, body, and spirit as you embark on this journey to personal transformation.
Bookmark this page, and we'll link each week so you can easily follow every coaching lesson.
Week 1 - Is Your Attention Being Hacked?
Week 2 - Your Focus Needs More Focus!
Week 3 - When Will Then Be Now? Soon!
Week 4 - Restoring Honor
Week 5 - Triple C Challenge
Week 6 - Are you Delusional?
Week 7 - Are We Learning Yet?
Week 8 - Just Let it Go!
Week 9 - Now
Week 10 - Breaking Free of Worry and Regret
Week 11 - Decisions Decisions
Week 12 - Taking Things Personally
Week 13 - Assumptions!
Week 14 - Be impeccable With Your Word
Week 15 - What Does Your Best Look Like?
Week 16 - Are You Offended?
Week 17 - Capacity Versus Potential